Make more money with real-time

Make more money
with real-time

Make more money
with real-time

  • Inventory Management

  • Cattle Movements

  • Feed Tracking

  • Profitability

  • Cattle Movements

  • Inventory Management

  • Feed Tracking

  • Profitability

Redbook helps feedyards, backgrounders, and stockers increase profitability, automate data collection, and spend less time in the office

Redbook helps feedyards, backgrounders, and stockers increase profitability, automate data collection, and spend less time in the office

Why more feedyards and backgrounders are turning to Redbook

Why more feedyards and backgrounders are turning to Redbook

With cutting-edge software, feedyards can optimize their operations, increase efficiency, and drive profitability like never before.

With cutting-edge software, feedyards can optimize their operations, increase efficiency, and drive profitability like never before.

Less time in the office

We know you don't want to sit in the office. Redbook is designed to automate the end of the month

Built for custom feeders

We know how challenging custom feeding can be. Redbook is built to help custom yards manage their business and their feeding

Easy to use

Simple, intuitive interface with powerful data collection on the backend

Increase profit

Yes, really! Redbook helps better track your costs, markups, and ensures that nothing gets missed. Meaning more money in your pocket each month


Cattle management

Realtime Cattle Movements, Deads, Sales

Feed Follows Cattle

Check Weights

Centralized inventory reporting



Manage Inventory levels, shrink, cost and margin

Easy ration creation and editing

Grain banking


Bunk Reading + Feed Tracking

Automated feed tracking

Powerful, flexible bunk reading system

Simple load creation and editing


Simple Animal Health

Individual animal tracking

Protocols and procedures

Safe to ship flags


AI-powered reporting

View cost, revenue, and profit by day

Automated error tracking and flagging




1 Click Invoicing

Track payments in app

Quickbooks integration

Prepayment, financing,


Cattle management

Realtime Cattle Movements, Deads, Sales

Feed Follows Cattle

Check Weights

Centralized inventory reporting



Manage Inventory levels, shrink, cost and margin

Easy ration creation and editing

Grain banking


Bunk Reading + Feed Tracking

Automated feed tracking

Powerful, flexible bunk reading system

Simple load creation and editing


Simple Animal Health

Individual animal tracking

Protocols and procedures

Safe to ship flags


AI-powered reporting

View cost, revenue, and profit by day

Automated error tracking and flagging




1 Click Invoicing

Track payments in app

Quickbooks integration

Prepayment, financing,


Cattle management

Realtime Cattle Movements, Deads, Sales

Feed Follows Cattle

Check Weights

Centralized inventory reporting



Manage Inventory levels, shrink, cost and margin

Easy ration creation and editing

Grain banking


Bunk Reading + Feed Tracking

Automated feed tracking

Powerful, flexible bunk reading system

Simple load creation and editing


Simple Animal Health

Individual animal tracking

Protocols and procedures

Safe to ship flags


AI-powered reporting

View cost, revenue, and profit by day

Automated error tracking and flagging




1 Click Invoicing

Track payments in app

Quickbooks integration

Prepayment, financing, accounts receivable

Designed by Feedlot Operators, built by Silicon Valley Engineers

Designed by Feedlot Operators, built by Silicon Valley Engineers

Customizable and built to work how you work

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Interested in learning more or getting started? Simply book a demo and a member of our team will reach out

Interested in learning more or getting started? Simply book a demo and a member of our team will reach out

Interested in learning more or getting started? Simply book a demo and a member of our team will reach out